Sunday, March 2, 2008

My Mom

For a lack of anything to write about I think I'll write about my mom. Actually it was my roommate's idea to write about her. He tells me that my mom is the coolest ever. Instead of pointing out the reasons why she's so awesome, perhaps I'll give a couple anecdotes. When I was just nine she took me to my first haunted house for Halloween. It was an intense experience, especially for someone as young as I was. My family walked in a line through the halls and instead of her being in the front, which would be a reasonable idea considering the fact that my brothers and I were so young, she placed me in the front to take the blunt of all the action. It was scary enough until the very end when we entered a room with a strobe light and a clown wielding a chain saw. Mom pushed me out of the way in her desperate attempt to reach the final door. We laugh about it now. In another story my ex-girl friend recently found out that both of her older sisters are pregnant. The oldest sister is married and the second oldest is not. I told my mom the story. “It’s interesting to watch the dynamic within the family, Mom,” I said to her. “Monique is married so the pregnancy is beautiful, but Michelle’s situation is kind of tragic and going to cause a lot of pain for the family.” My mom looked at me and said, “Haydn,” her eyes became glazed, “it is always a miracle when a child is born into this world.” Again, I won’t explain why these stories show so much of what kind of person my mom is or why she’s such a big influence in my life. A person with insight ought to be able to see why.